Saturday 31 August 2013

Delay in posts

Hi guys,

Sorry for the delay in posts I've just been so busy lately and haven't had time to post new beauty things.
You guys shall expect a new post very soon!

Have a nice day.

Beauty and Beyond x

Friday 16 August 2013


Hi everyone,
Welcome to my Blog. I'm new to blogging so sorry if my post aren't very detailed or I'm not able to describe products in a particular way. I'll be sharing, Hauls , D.I.Ys, Nail art, Makeup looks, Monthly favourites, Ways to style and helpful tips.

I've always wanted to make a blog or either do youtube videos but I'm not as confident as some to directly show my face in a video. I love beauty and fashion and I'm able to share my thoughts here, right on this blog.

I will try my best to post weekly but I won't post many hauls as I cannot always afford some products, but i will show you weekly things and reviews.

Thanks for reading!

Beauty and Beyond x